Two Weeks in...
Aloha Friends and Family, I have arrived safe and sound back in Antartica. Not a phrase you hear every day. I have been back for over two weeks and finally I feel like I am getting the hang of things. This season I am working for a new department which is called Fuels. Our job is simply put: moving fuel around all of station. I have learned that plenty of things use fuel here. Almost every building on site has a generator or heater that uses fuel. We also get to fuel up the airplanes. Furthermore our department helps out field camps with their fueling needs. In a couple of weeks I will be heading to the field to spend two weeks at a Helicopter refueling station. Apparently where I am going is very beautiful and there are places to hike. In comparison to last year, this job is a lot more physical and I spend a lot more time outside. I was apprehensive about spending that much time in below free...