Hello from the Northwest!

I have had over a month to get use to the time change, language and the food. It is amazing the reverse culture shock you go through coming home. One thing is for sure I have a much greater respect for immigrants who's native tongue is not English than I did before I left. But I have been able to keep myself busy since I have been home with a variety of activities.

Great view at the end of hiking the Chef

The first one is work. I have currently working for my Dad's landscaping company doing maintenance; which really means cleaning up the properties for winter by raking leaves and cutting down perennials . I love being outside but some days it can be very wet and cold. Another highlight from work is that I get to work with my brother a couple days a week. He has a great sense of humor and is very hard working which makes working with him tons of fun.

I have also been able to get involved with my home church by participating in the young women's group. We met every two weeks alternating between a night where we discuss the book we are reading called "Not a Fan" by Kyle Idleman and the other night is a fun night were we do something fun like games, cooking or making crafts. I have enjoyed getting involved and since I haven't been home for so long there are quite a few new faces that I now get to met.

I have also had the chance to go up to Barnabas Family Ministries http://www.barnabasfm.org/. This is a camp that I have been attending either as a camper or volunteer for about 20 years. I was able to go up there for a work weekend and then a young adult retreat. It was so refreshing to be on an island on the Pacific Ocean looking daily at the beautiful mountains of BC. Plus I got to reconnect with many friends from camp. This is a picture of the view from "Main Street" at Barnabas Family Ministries.

Another good thing about being at home is that you get some great perspective. I have been praying a lot about my future and with coming home and being in close proximity of the Pacific Ocean I was reminded about my love for marine things. I have always had the dream of pursuing a career in Marine Biology and now after two years of serving overseas it seems that the Lord has given me the green flag to come home and start chasing that dream.

So after much prayer and consideration, it looks like I am going to return back to Vienna at the end of January and stay there until the end of my soccer season in the beginning of June and then return home to Canada. I hope to spend my summer working at Barnabas Family Ministries and then apply for an internship at the Vancouver Aquarium for the fall.

Prayer Request:
Continue enjoying working for WCHS even in the rain
Time daily with the Lord
Time to reconnect with friends and family

Thanks for reading and hope everyone has a great November,

All for God, Gillian




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