Soccer, SBUX, Snow and Selfishness

Where did the month of February go, it simply slipped through my fingers. I guess the next three months are going to be even faster.

The month of February can be summarized in four words: Soccer, SBUX, Snow and Selfishness


Getting reconnect with my team in Neulengbach was easier than expected. All the girls were excited to see me back and gave me big hugs. The warm reception was very encouraging because I didn't know how the team felt overall about my quick departure in September. While I have been away we got a new Slovakian who understands and speaks English. Last week a few of us went to take a fitness test and I got to ride with this Slovakian. After going over the basic questions (job, family) we actually started talking about Church. She shared that she goes to a Catholic Church every Sunday and she really enjoys going. I started talking about how I go to Church every Sunday as well and how much I enjoy going. Then somehow the conversation developed to me sharing a bit of my testimony and how I have changed since I have been following Jesus. After sharing my story I felt a prompting from the Lord to pray for Veronika. I didn't know how she felt about praying in public but I ask and she said yes. I was very encouraged by this conversation and being able to pray for one of my teammates in person. I hope the Lord will bless me with more chances to do that over the next three months.

SBUX (Starbucks Ministries):

Great News starting March 6th my friend, Philipp, and I get to start teaching atBible Study in SBUX. We are going to be studying our Identity in Christ, a subject I have been waiting to teach for over a year and a half but God hasn’t opened up the doors until now. I am excited to see what the Lord will do during this Bible study and see the change in the attendees once they get a firmer grasp of who they really are. Furthermore, since coming back I have been getting more involved in the SBUX Unity Dinners: this is when all the Vienna Bible Study Leaders come together once a month to share about what is going on and encourage one another over a meal. I have become in charge of the meal and I had a lot of fun doing my first one this February. I love playing hostess, guess that is why hospitality is one of my spiritual gifts :)

SBUX Unity Brunch


One thing I have come to realize is that God tends to answer those little prayers that you make subconsciously just to show you that he is listening. Mine this past month was that I wanted it to snow one more time before spring came so I could get some pictures of the city wrapped in snow. I was thinking this as I was walking home one night from training and when I woke up the next day the city had a blanket of snow on it! I simply smiled when I looked out my window the next morning because the Lord had answered my little insignificant prayer. Over the next few days I had some great walks around the city in the snow wearing my yellow rain boots much to the dismay of my fashionista teamates.

Enjoying the Snow at Schonbrunn


No one ever wants to admit that they are a selfish person but this past month the Lord revealed to me that I have been very selfish over the past year. Some of you might not know the whole story to why I initially came over seas but it was mainly to learn how to be unselfish and do that by serving. Regrettably over the past year I subconsciously became selfish and forgot why I came over to Vienna. It is amazing how making a conscious decision to be unselfish can change how everyday situations are dealt with and looking back over the past year I have made some very selfish decisions. Thank goodness the Lord isn’t done with me yet and He wants me to be a better person. In His gracious way He showed me how I was being selfish and now I get a couple of months to remember why I initially can here and put it into practice. 

Prayer Request:

- SBUX Bible study will go well and be a blessing to all

- Good start to soccer season: First season game on the 17th

- Continuously making the unselfish decision

- Doing everything daily in the Lord Strength

- Great short term trip to Kosovo March 30th-April 5th

Thanks for your prayers and support and have a great March!

All for God, Gillian




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