On the Continent...

I have final made it to the continent of Antarctica.  Up until this point I have only touched Ross Island.  These past two week I have had the chance to be stationed at Antarctica’s only “truck stop”, a refueling station at Marble Point.  Helicopters have been coming here since the 90’s to get fuel.  The main purpose of the camp is to help out with the operation of field camps and research that is being done in the McMurdo Dry Valleys.

It has been a fabulous adventure getting out of McMurdo and seeing other parts of the southmost continent.  I even got to fly on a Helicopter to get here.  It is only 45 mins from McMurdo Station but worlds different.  My days are filled with testing the fuel, filling up helicopters, getting drums of fuel ready for field camps and helping around camp with cooking, cleaning or other projects.  Once the helicopters go to bed I get to close down the pits and start exploring.  

Since I am on the continent there is much more land to explore than on Ross Island.  There are still old relicts around from when the navy started to build a base here.  I have been able to go for runs along the “beach” here (it is not like Maui, the ocean is still frozen), skate on rock solid ponds, be astounded by glaciers, find lichen that only grows in Antarctica and climb a few hills.  

There have been countless moments while here I have been struck in awe at the beauty and majesty around me.  I cannot help but pause, reflect and be grateful for the adventure I am on.  A great reminder to have before Thanksgiving. 😊

Lots of Joy, Gillian 


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