Off to the next adventure...

Aloha Friends and Family, 

It has been a few weeks since I have reached out and shared the going on of Gillian McPherson's life.  

I have spent a few weeks in Maui defrosting while preparing for my next adventure.  I have enjoyed plenty of time with friends, beach days and sunshine.  It has been nice coming back to a place where I am extremely familiar with how things work.

I know plenty of people told me about ice brain when leaving the ice- it is a real thing.  It is basically the same feeling your have at the end of finals week in college.  Your brain in done, toast..finished.  You know it is not firing as fast as you would like but you can't do much about it.  Now after being off the ice for over a month I can confidently say that my brain has defrosted completely and I feel like my cognitive processes are back to normal.  

That being said I had a few people ask if I will continue writing and sending emails over the next couple of months while I travel to AK.  Yes, I am planning on continuing to write but I am going to restart my blog that I used while I lived overseas.  

I am in the midst of starting my migration up north to Alaska.  I would appreciate prayers for safe travels and fun stories to come out of this adventure I am starting on.  

Thanks for reading and I will post again soon!

Lot of Joy, Gillian 



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