The past month has given me a lot of opportunities to try new things, get stretched and feel more settled in Antarctica. I had my first bartending shift here on the base. I was lucky enough that I was training with a friend of mine, Travis. Earlier in the day the janitorial team cleans the bars before opening them up for the night. I told the two janitors that were cleaning the bar to leave me some presents to find while I was working that night. When I first walked into the bar I found a note with a joke on it to welcome me to my shift. Then while Travis and I were setting up the bar, our manager comes in and says “ Gillian, I didn’t know it was your birthday.” For someone whose birthday is in April I was pretty surprised to hear that too. Mark, our manager continues, “There is a note in the men’s bathroom on the stall that says- It is Gillian, the bartender's, birthday today and she does not want people to know but wish her a ha...
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